Award USA Publications
About Award USA
Brief overview of the Award program.
DownloadDelivering the Award
A comprehensive overview of the Award, including details on the fundamental components of the program, its impact and the benefits of implementing the Award within your organization, and details on the necessary steps to licensing to run the Award.
DownloadAward USA FAQ
Answers to our Frequently Asked Questions.
DownloadThe Award & The International Baccalaureate
Award USA Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Business Plan Summary 2023-2027
Award Center Resources
Guiding Principles
The 10 Guiding Principles that underpin the philosophy of the Award help ensure that young people have a meaningful and purposeful experience.
DownloadSafeguarding Policy and Volunteer Code of Conduct
This document outlines the protection policies and guidelines that all adults delivering the Award must adhere to.
DownloadSerious Incident Reporting Process
This document outlines the reporting process of any serious incident that may occur at a partner organization.
DownloadOnline Record Book (ORB) Registration Guide
NOTE: Only register for the ORB if you have been designated an Award Coordinator or Award Leader within an organization licensed to deliver the Award. Access the ORB here.
DownloadORB Parental Consent Form
This form can be completed electronically via the Online Record Book (ORB).
DownloadAward Community Registration Guide
NOTE: Only register for the Award Community if you have been designated an Award Coordinator or Award Leader within an organization licensed to deliver the Award. Access training modules and additional resources here.
DownloadFinancial Assistance Application Form
This form can be completed by individual participants, individual Award Coordinators/Leaders, or Award Centers. Click here to complete the application.
DownloadIdentifying and Measuring Success at Your Award Center
This document outlines measures of success for you to consider as you work to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your program, and potential strategies for improvement.
DownloadAward Brand Essentials
Overview of how to talk about the Award and information on using the logo.
DownloadTen Requirements for the Adventurous Journey
These are the ten requirements for an Adventurous Journey.
DownloadAdventurous Journey Outcomes and Benefits
This document outlines the outcomes and benefits for both AJ teams and individual participants.
DownloadAward USA Privacy Policy
This document outlines Privacy Policy of Award USA.
DownloadParticipant Resources
Participant Handbook, Second Edition (All Participants)
This handbook provides all participants an overview of the Award program and requirements, how to select activities, and how to register in the Online Record Book.
DownloadParticipant Handbook, Second Edition (Open Award Center)
This handbook provides OAC participants an overview of the Award program and requirements, how to select activities, and how to register in the Online Record Book.
DownloadAssessor Introduction to the Award
This document can be shared with Assessors to provide them information about the Award program and the role of an Assessor.
DownloadOnline Record Book Tutorials
Mini tutorials on everything from registering for the ORB to finalizing your Award. Click here to access them.
DownloadHow does the ORB count hours?
Overview and examples of how the Online Record Book counts participants' hours spent working on each Award section.
DownloadBronze Award Checklist
List of action items for all Bronze participants to complete their Award.
DownloadSilver Award Checklist
List of action items for all Silver participants to complete their Award.
DownloadGold Award Checklist
List of action items for all Gold participants to complete their Award.
DownloadDoes this Qualify for the Gold Project?
Guide to what types of activities qualify for the Gold Project.
DownloadReference on Professional Email Communication
Tips on professional email etiquette to use with Award Leaders.
DownloadUNSDG Award Pathway
Ideas and guidance on aligning your Award activities with the UN Sustainable Development Goals
DownloadVoluntary Service Opportunities
Ideas for completing your Voluntary Service requirements from home.
DownloadVolunteering to Raise Awareness
An outline for a Bronze Award of using the Voluntary Service section to raise awareness for an issue impacting your community.
DownloadParticipant Code of Conduct
An outline of the expectations of all Participants in the Award.
DownloadResearch and Impact
The Award in Numbers
Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, 2020.
Download2023 Report on SROI: Global Social Value
Update to 2022 report using TIMMS framework from PwC with SROI globally for 2022.
Download2022 Report on SROI: Building the Future
A PwC publication prepared for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation in 2020 and published in March 2022. This global impact report details the impact of non-formal education and learning in times of disruption.
Download2020 Report on SROI: Changing Lives in the Changing World
A PwC publication prepared for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, June 2019. This social impact report details the social value of the Award as a non-formal education and learning framework.
Download2018 Global Participant Satisfaction Survey Results
Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, 2019. This report presents the global results of the participant satisfaction survey run between May 2017 and September 2018.
DownloadA Summary of Research to date into The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, September 2019.
DownloadSocial Value of the Award
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation shares information on the social value of the Award on their website. Click here.