Becoming a Trained Award Coordinator
The Award can be delivered in schools, sports and youth clubs, Scout groups, juvenile justice programs, and businesses. Essentially, anyone who works directly with young people!
If you’re already working with young people, the Award can be the ideal complement to your own program of activities.
Once you’re licensed to deliver the Award, we’ll train your adult staff and volunteers as Award Coordinators and Award Leaders to fulfill this vital and rewarding role.
What is an Award Coordinator?
An Award Coordinator is the key point of contact and the person responsible for running the Award in their organization. In large organizations, there may be other volunteers who assist in the running of the Award, Award Leaders. As an Award Coordinator or Award Leader, you play a crucial role in the success of the Award. Without you, there would be no Award. Your role is to engage young people in the program, and encourage and inspire Participants throughout their Award journey.