There are more young people alive 14-24 than ever before. In the USA over 25% of our population is Generation Z or the iGen born after 2000. They have grown up in a world of uncertainty, digital revolution, and phenomenal change. Their journey is ours. And they will not be limited by boundaries. After 60 years of experience, in over 130 countries with 1.3 million participants, we know The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has something for all young people. It empowers them to find their passion, purpose, and place in the world.
Thanks to Our Corporate Partners
The Impact of the Award
YOUR SUPPORT AWARD PARTICIPATION Young people can get involved in the Award at three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold), with each containing four sections (Voluntary Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey) and an additional Residential Project at Gold level. OUTCOMES Through participating in the Award, young people can experience outcomes such as increased confidence, resilience and determination, creativity and adaptability and personal and social wellbeing. IMPACTS The long-term impacts of Award participation on young people and their communities can include improved employability and earning potential, improved physical health and fitness, improved mental health and well-being and increased social cohesion.
Held National Volunteer Conference* Began Virtual Award Program with Corporate mentors* Secured National Partnership and continuing national pilots with large scale providers* Launched corporate giving, Charter for Business Champions* Tripled # of Volunteers* Doubled # of Award Participants*