Becoming a qualified Award Assessor

Award Assessors check on a young person’s progress and agree on the completion of a section of their Award program. Assessors need knowledge of the activity they’re doing and approve their progress toward their goal.

In the Adventurous Journey section, qualifying expeditions must be assessed by a competent adult who is approved by the Award Leader and trained through the Award USA’s Supervisors and Assessors Training.

What is an Award Assessor?

Award Assessors are a suitably skilled, experienced and/or qualified volunteer who can assist with and assess an activity being undertaken for a section (Physical Recreation, Skill, Service, Adventurous Journey or Residential Project), of a Participant’s Award and completes a report in the Participant’s records to verify that they have achieved the requirements for the section. In some instances, a Participant will require more than one Assessor per section to ensure that each activity has been completed.

Who can be an Award Assessor?

Award Assessors must have experience and/or qualifications in the activity chosen by the young person. They must be suitably skilled to assess a Participant’s activity, write a report at completion, and sign off the Participant’s records to verify that they have achieved the requirements of the Award.

In most circumstances, an Award Assessor should not be an immediate family member. An Award Assessor can assess more than one Participant. They may also be qualified to assess across multiple activities and/or Sections. They may be required to meet certification or qualification requirements if their activity is bound by state accreditation requirements relevant for the activity. In some cases, an Award Leader can also be an Award Assessor.

All Award Assessors are approved by the Participant’s Award Leader before they can commence working with the Participant. Generally Participants and Award Leaders are jointly involved in finding Award Assessors, however it is the responsibility of Award Leaders to check all Assessors, ensure they are suitable and then to approve them.

As an Award Assessor, you play a crucial role in the success of the Award. Your role is to engage with Participants of the Award, and offer guidance, and encouragement as they undertake the section of the Award that you are assessing.

Get Started As An Award Volunteer

    An Award Coordinator is an adult who coordinates the activities of the Award Program within their organization. Oftentimes, the Award Coordinator is also an Award Leader.
    An Award Leader is an adult who mentors, guides, and supports young people through their Award journey. They are responsible for ensuring the delivery of a high-quality Award program for Participants.
    Award Assessors must have experience and/or qualifications in the activity chosen by the young person within a section. An Assessor must be suitably skilled to verify that the Participant has achieved the requirements of the Award.
    The Adventurous Journey (AJ) requires adults with experience and interest in the outdoors. An AJ Supervisor both ensures the safety of participants while on their Adventurous Journey and maintains the standards of the Award. AJ Supervisors work with the team of Participants to ensure that they are adequately trained and prepared for their Journey. The AJ Assessor is tasked with maintaining the high standards of the Award and ensuring that the conditions of the Adventurous Journey section are fulfilled.
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